Let I be a normal hyperideal of a Krasner (m,n)-hyperring R, we define the
relation ?I by x ?I y if and only if f (x,-y, (m-2)0)?I?0, which is an
equivalence relation on R. By means of this idea, we propose rough soft
hyperrings (hyperideals) with respect to a normal hyperideal in a Krasner
(m,n)-hyperring. Some lower and upper rough soft hyperideals with respect
to a normal hyperideal are investigated, respectively. Further, we define
the t-level set U(?,t) = {(x,y) ? R x R| ? z?f(x,-y, (m-2)0) ?(z)?
t} of a Krasner (m,n)-hyperring R and prove that it is an equivalence
relation on R if ? is a fuzzy normal hyperideal of R. By means of this novel
idea, we propose rough soft hyperideals by means of fuzzy normal hyperideals
in Krasner (m,n)- hyperrings. Finally, two novel kinds of decision making
methods to rough soft Krasner (m,n)-hyperrings are established.
National Library of Serbia
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4 articles.