Bronze age burials within the Morava, Nisava and Timok basins


Kapuran Aleksandar1,Gavranovic Mario2ORCID,Jovanovic Igor3


1. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

2. Austrian Archaeological Institute, Vienna

3. Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor


Following more than seven decades of research on the Bronze Age cremation burial grounds in the territory of Serbia, the new absolute dates provide us with an opportunity to determine a more precise chronological sequence of different local cultural manifestations. Although the pioneers of the Serbian archaeology after WWII defined the main cultural trajectories that led to the establishment of cremation as the main burial rite during the 2nd millennium BC, several misconceptions were established that need to be corrected, considering new data. We regard this paper as our contribution to the better understanding of the cultural and chronological sequence in the Central Balkans during the Bronze Age.


National Library of Serbia



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