Visit planner: A personalized mobile trip design application based on a hybrid recommendation model


Papadakis Harris1,Panagiotakis Costas2,Fragopoulou Paraskevi1,Chalkiadakis Georgios3,Streviniotis Errikos3,Ziogas Ioannis-Panagiotis3,Koutsmanis Michail3,Bariamis Panagiotis4


1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Estavromenos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

2. Department of Management Science and Technology, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Lakonia, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece

3. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Kounoupidiana, Chania, Crete, Greece

4. Netmechanics LLC, Solonos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece


The paper presents Visit Planner (ViP), a mobile application prototype that provides a solution to the challenging tourist trip design problem. ViP follows a holistic approach offering personalized recommendations for Points of Interest (POIs) based on preferences either explicitly collected by the application, or inferred by the users? ongoing interaction with the system. ViP proposes to the final user, a trajectory of POIs calculated using an Expectation Maximization method that maximizes user satisfaction taking into consideration a variety of time and spatial constraints for both users and POIs. Additionally, POIs are divided into categories, so that a certain number of POIs from each category to be included in the final itinerary. The application is implemented as a user-interactive system that allows the flexibility for easy content adaptation and facilitates management of content and services by the user. The prototype has been implemented for Android-based smartphones, on an open application environment, using standard communication protocols and open database technology. Currently, it is applied to the city of Agios Nikolaos in Crete, and is available for download from Google play.


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