1. Department of Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2. Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
In this paper, we consider the doubly indexed sequence a(r) ? (n,m), (n,m ?
0), defined by a recurrence relation and an initial sequence a(r) ? (0,m),
(m ? 0). We derive with the help of some differential operator an explicit
expression for a(r) ? (n, 0), in term of the degenerate r-Stirling numbers
of the second kind and the initial sequence. We observe that a(r) ? (n, 0) =
?n,?(r), for a(r) ? (0,m) = 1/m+1 , and a(r) ? (n, 0) = En,?(r), for a(r) ?
(0,m) = (1/2)m . Here ?n,?(x) and En,?(x) are the fully degenerate
Bernoulli polynomials and the degenerate Euler polynomials, respectively.
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