A new approach to fully degenerate Bernoulli numbers and polynomials


Kim Taekyun1,Kim Dae2


1. Department of Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2. Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


In this paper, we consider the doubly indexed sequence a(r) ? (n,m), (n,m ? 0), defined by a recurrence relation and an initial sequence a(r) ? (0,m), (m ? 0). We derive with the help of some differential operator an explicit expression for a(r) ? (n, 0), in term of the degenerate r-Stirling numbers of the second kind and the initial sequence. We observe that a(r) ? (n, 0) = ?n,?(r), for a(r) ? (0,m) = 1/m+1 , and a(r) ? (n, 0) = En,?(r), for a(r) ? (0,m) = (1/2)m . Here ?n,?(x) and En,?(x) are the fully degenerate Bernoulli polynomials and the degenerate Euler polynomials, respectively.


National Library of Serbia


General Mathematics

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