1. Medicinski fakultet, Klinika za stomatologiju, Odeljenje za stomatološku protetiku, Niš
2. Medicinski fakultet, Niš
3. Institut za prevenciju, lečenje i rehabilitaciju reumatskih i kardiovaskularnih bolesti 'Niška Banja', Niška banja
Introduction. Osteoporosis is a very common disorder of skeleton, which can be caused by various metabolic disturbances, malnutrition, immobilization, endocrine disorders, bone marrow diseases, connective tissue disorders, and, in some cases, by inappropriate therapy. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the relationships between the mineral content in the alveolar bone and serum osteoporosis in chosen patients. Material and methods. The study included an experimental and a control group of patients who were submitted to internal and prosthodontic therapy. The plan of therapy was to extract anticipated parodonthopathic teeth, taking samples of the alveolar bone and its analysis by spectrometry. At the same time the biochemical analyses of the blood were performed. Results. Before the therapy, due to negative remodeling, values of mineral content in decalcified bone tissue and serum were significantly lower than in the control group. After the therapy, the quality of the bone tissue was improved, with increased contents of mineral substances. Discussion and conclusion. Disorders of mineral metabolism are very important for osteoporosis. This disorder may involve entire skeleton, especially stomatoghnatic complex. Therefore osteoporosis is one of very important illnesses in dentistry, especially in prosthodontics, because of the supporting nature of bone tissue for all types of dental prostheses.
National Library of Serbia
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