1. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet političkih nauka
The research of media presentation of migrants and refugees has been
intensified in recent years, especially after 2015 when several million
people fled their homes from the war zones in the Middle East and Africa.
Contemporary scholarship focusing on journalistic and media reporting on
migrant crisis has been mainly researching Western European and the US media
context, as well as verbal media narratives of print media outlets. Only a
small number of papers examines visual media content, which can have a
significant impact on citizens? perceptions about migrants and refugees. In
Serbia, a country situated on ?the Balkans route? and which more than a
million people from Middle East and Africa had crossed since 2015, visual
depiction of migrants and refugees has been rarely researched. Against this
background, the paper is based on media framing theory and examines visual
framing of migrants and refugees in nine print and online media in Serbia
from 2015 until 2020. Methodologically, the paper builds on mixed method
research of 469 images analyzed within the denotative, stylistic-semiotic
and connotative level of visual media framing (Rodriguez and Dimitrova,
2011), including the timeline analysis of dominant visual media frames and
presentation techniques of migrants and refugees in the relevant media
outlets in Serbia.
National Library of Serbia
Reference66 articles.
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2. Amores, J.J., Arcila-Calderon, C.A., and Stanek, M. (2019). Visual frames of migrants and refugees in the main Western European media. Economics and Sociology, 12(3), 147-161.
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