1. University of Tehran, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, Aburaihan Campus, Tehran, Iran
2. Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Recourse, Science and Research Branch, Department Of Animal Science, Tehran, Iran
3. Animal Breeding Center, Karaj, Iran
Uterine Milk Protein (UTMP) the member of Serine Protease Inhibitor
superfamily secreted from uterine endometrium during pregnancy under
influence of progesterone. Specific functions of UTMP include protease
inhibition, growth control, and direct nutrition of the conceptus. This
investigation was performed in order to study polymorphism of UTMP gene and
its association with milk production traits in Iranian Holstein bulls.
Genomic DNA was extracted from 100 semen samples of proven bulls. In order to
amplify 568bp-fragment including same part of intron 3, whole exon 4 and
downstream of UTMP gene, a pair of primer was designed. PCR products were
digested with BsrI enzyme. The allele frequencies of a, b and c were 0.135,
0.69 and 0.175, respectively in studied population. Four genotypes AB, BB, BC
and CC were observed with frequencies of 0.27, 0.49, 0.13 and 0.11,
respectively. Genotypes AA and AC were not observed in this study. The
chi-square (X2) test revealed deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Data
were obtained from animal breeding centre of Iran for the first lactation
during 1993-2008 to estimate some genetic parameters. Heritability of milk
yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat percent and protein percent were 0.28,
0.21, 0.22, 0.32 and 0.34 respectively. Results indicated significant
association between UTMP Genotypes and milk, fat and protein yield traits.
Meanwhile, Bulls with CC Genotype had higher milk, fat and protein yield
compared to other genotypes (p<0.05). These results suggested UTMP as a
candidate gene influencing milk production traits might be implemented in
breeding programs to improve the production performance of Iranian Holstein
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