1. Institut za ortopedsko-hirurške bolesti 'Banjica', Beograd - Odeljenje za dečju ortopediju
2. Institut za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju, Klinički centar Srbije, Beograd
Authors have reviewed their eight years long experience with triple pelvic osteotomy. They are explaining the way of introduction of this procedure in everyday clinical practice. Sixty six hips were operated using Tonnis-Vladimirov method in fifty five patients of the average age of 15 years and four months. Treatment results were evaluated, both anatomically and functionally. Anatomic improvement was detected by measuring CE angle of Wiberg. Preoperatively it ranged from -6 to 33 degrees (16,4+10,8 degrees), at the end of treatment it ranged from 15 to 68 degrees (43,6+11,8 degrees) - the difference has proven to be statistically highly significant (Student test t=-14,36, p<0,01). Functional improvement (absence of waddling gait or limp, as well as better range of motion) was detected in almost all the cases, although the difference wasn't statistically significant. Also, they are presenting some, very rare, complications - asymptomatic pubic and/or ischial nonunion in seven patients.
National Library of Serbia
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3 articles.