In the aftermath of the Second World War, local authorities across West Germany implemented Sperrbezirke, or restricted areas for prostitution. These restricted areas became a central element of Germany’s system of managing commercial sex. This article considers both the legacies of former systems of state-regulated prostitution in the development of Sperrbezirke and regional variations in restricted-area regulations since the 1960s. It examines their relation to red-light districts through regulations on brothels and tolerance zones, as well as the common associations of Sperrbezirke with vice in popular culture. The article then uses prostitutes’ responses to restricted-area regulations to assess their impact in practice.
Reference54 articles.
1. Temporarily Yours
2. BesD e.V. (Berufsverband Sexarbeit). “Strafen für die verbotene Ausübung der Prostitution.” https://www.berufsverband-sexarbeit.de/index.php/sexarbeit/gesetze-2/sperrbezirk/ (accessed July21, 2022).