Determination of the Effects of Different EMS Doses Applied to Seeds of Chickpea and Lentil Varieties on Some Seedling Characteristics






In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of 11 different doses of Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) applied to the seed to create variation in the M1 generation of chickpea (Gökçe) and lentil (Şakar) genotypes during germination and seedling development periods and to determine the lethal dose that caused a 50% reduction in plant emergence rate. The research was conducted under the greenhouse and laboratory conditions of the Faculty of Agriculture of Dicle University in 2019/2020. The study was conducted according to a randomized block design with three replicates. For the M1 generation, seeds of each genotype in the elite stage were treated with EMS solution at 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, 40, 40, 50, 60, 60, 70, 70, 80, 90, and 100 mM (1000 seeds for each dose) and then sown in the greenhouse. A total of 132 tubes were sown with 30 seeds for each dose, and the effective EMS dose was determined for each genotype based on the traits examined in the developing seedlings. In the study, it was concluded that 11 different EMS doses applied to the seeds of chickpea and lentil varieties had negative effects on seedling development in the M1 generation, and increasing EMS doses from the control caused a decrease in all traits examined. With increasing EMS doses, plant emergence was observed in both chickpea and lentil up to 60 mM dose, while no germination was observed at 60 mM dose, and the dose rate varied according to species and varieties. The dose that caused a 50% decrease in the plant emergence rate in Gökçe chickpea and Şakar lentil varieties was determined as the LD50 dose. Accordingly, it was determined that the LD50 dose was 30 mM for Gökçe chickpea variety and 60 mM for Şakar lentil variety.


Ondokuz Mayis University

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