Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Inovatif untuk Menstimulasi Keterampilan Gerak Lokomotor Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun


Julianti Hani,Nurani Yuliani,Pratiwi Niken


This study aims to develop innovative learning media to stimulate locomotor skills in children aged 5-6 years. The research employs the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Questionnaires are used as instruments for expert reviews, and one-on-one evaluation tools are used for children aged 5-6 years. The results of the product's validity test by content experts obtained a final score of 98.2%. The validity test results by media experts received a final score of 93.7%. The product testing on children aged 5-6 years resulted in a final score of 91.6%. The research findings indicate that the innovative learning media named "MONOPOLI GEMASI (Moving and Imaginative Monopoly)" meets the requirements. This innovative learning media successfully stimulates locomotor skills in children aged 5-6 years. It provides physical activity content for children, including walking, running, jumping, leaping, and crawling. This media can be practically used as a learning tool at home and in early childhood education institutions.


Indonesian Journal Publisher







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