Peningkatan Passing Sepakbola Menggunakan Media Dinding pada Siswa Kelas V di MI Darul Ulum Sumberagung


Ali Moch Haidar Fitru,Apriliyanto Rizki,Usman Ali,Hardovi Bachtiar Hari


This research employs Classroom Action Research (CAR). Data collection methods are essential for obtaining accurate and accountable information. The choice of research methods for data collection aligns with the research objectives, utilizing observation and measurement techniques. Data analysis techniques encompass both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative descriptive analysis aims to describe collaborative observation results and compare them with the number of observed students. Quantitative descriptive analysis, on the other hand, seeks to compare the observations made by the researcher and collaborators regarding student behavior during the learning process. This research was conducted in Class V of MI Darul Ulum Sumberagung and resulted in a successful outcome.


Indonesian Journal Publisher

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