Сurrent condition of pine plantations of Kyiv Polisya under the influence of environmental factors


Moroz V. V.ORCID,Nykytyuk Yu. A.ORCID


The article describes the climate change in the study region for the period 1968-2020. It was specified that over the past fifty-nine years there has been an increase in average annual air temperature by 2,5°C, a decrease in relative humidity by 6,0% and average annual rainfall by 5 mm. According to the analysis, it was determined that during the period 2009-2020 significant damage to pine plantations of Kyiv Polissya is caused by the pests like common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.), pine bark beetle (Aradus cinnamomeus Panz), pine silkworm (Dendrolimus pini L.), pine weevil (Leucaspis pusilla Loew), and pine star weaver (Acantholyda nemoralis Matsumura). Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. has also caused a significant damage to pine forests over the past eleven years; the damaged area is of ​​12,8-15,9 thousand hectares. According to the hydrothermal analysis of the study area, it was determined that 2009 and 2015 were characterized as years of medium drought; 2010, 2016, 2017, 2020 were the years of low drought; 2011–2014, 2018, 2019 were the years of sufficient moisture supply. The analysis of the number W influence found that in the years of increased solar activity the number of phytopests increases, while in the years of minimal solar activity it decreases. Based on the statistical indicators, the analysis of CO2 emissions into the environment for the period 2009-2020 and it was found that since 2012 the amount of carbon dioxide emissions has decreased from 10,2 million tons to 3.7 million tons. Correlation analysis of all indicators showed the interaction between the area of ​​damaged trees by insect pests and the Wolf number, CO2 emissions into the environment, average annual precipitation amounts and hydrothermal moisture coefficient of Selyaninov G.T. There is also a correlation between the area of ​​damaged plantations by pine fungus and the average annual air temperature, relative humidity and CO2 emissions.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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