
Tarariko Yu. O.ORCID,Zosymchuk M. D.ORCID,Stetsiuk M. H.ORCID,Zosymchuk О. А.ORCID,Danylytskiy O. A.ORCID,Soroka Yu. V.ORCID,Hulenko O. I.ORCID


Modern climatic changes, namely significant warming in the northern Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine, provide opportunities for the cultivation of a number of grain and leguminous crops (maize for grain, soybeans, sunflower, and others), previously uncharacteristic of this region. Among the above-mentioned crops, corn has the greatest grain yield potential, therefore it is one of the most common crops in world agriculture. If 10-15 years ago corn was not grown for grain in the Polissia zone, then in recent years its sown areas have grown significantly, and the yield in some years is not inferior to the regions of the Forest Steppe and Steppe, which are traditional for this crop. The results of experimental studies of the station showed that under favorable conditions on the most fertile slopes of the drained sod-podzolic soils of the Western Polissia zone, with intensive technologies, it is possible to obtain more than 10-12 t/ha of corn grain. The analysis of hydrothermal indicators shows that with the current indicators of heat supply of the growing season in the zone of Western Polissia on mineral soils, it is possible to achieve not only early-ripening, but even medium-early hybrids of corn with FAO up to 280-300. Drained peat soils, due to their high nitrogen content and sufficient amount of moisture, have sufficient potential for obtaining a high yield of corn grain. However, its indicators over the years of research vary greatly and depend to a large extent on the agro-meteorological conditions of the growing season. It has been established that the main limiting factors for achieving a high yield of corn grain on peat soils are less favorable microclimatic features (less amount of active heat, shorter growing season and frost-free period, etc.) compared to adjacent sod-podzolic soils located nearby on dry land. It has been experimentally established that under conditions of minimum duration without a frost period, only the most early-ripening hybrids of corn with FAO up to 220-240 will have time to form a full-fledged crop of grain on drained peat soils in the Western Polissia zone. By choosing late-ripening hybrids, there is a risk of a significant shortfall in the harvest due to the premature termination of vegetation caused by early autumn frosts. It was established that the highest yield of corn per grain, both on sod-podzolic and peat soils, was provided by the organo-mineral fertilization system, which was based on the application of complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of N90Р90К90 on turf-podzolic soils and N35Р60K120 on peat soils in combination with phosphorus mobilizing drug Rice Pi. The use of the organo-mineral fertilization system (N90Р90К90 + phosphorus mobilizing drug Rice Pi) ensured an increase in the yield of corn on sod-podzolic soils by 30,2 ct/ha compared to the basic fertilization system (N30Р30К30). The use of the organo-mineral fertilization system (N35Р60K120 + phosphorus mobilizing drug Rice Pi) ensured an increase in the yield of corn on peatlands by 56.8 ct/ha compared to the natural background of fertility.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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