Protection of Nova Mayachka village of Oleshky district in Kherson region against the harmful effects of water


Romashchenko M. I.ORCID,Savchuk D. P.ORCID,Шевченко А. М.ORCID,Babitska O. A.ORCID,Ryabtsev M. P.ORCID,Kharlamov O. I.ORCID,Kotykovych I. V.ORCID


Topicality. In the conditions of modern management the issue of territory protection against the harmful effects of water acquires special urgency. In the southern region of Ukraine alone, more than 2.9 million hectares of land and 2,135 settlements are affected by flooding and underflooding. An illustrative example of the complexity of solving the problem of protection of drainless territory against the harmful effects of water is the village of Nova Mayachka of Oleshkv district in Kherson region, which is located within a large depression morphostructure and is affected by the Kakhovske reservoir, North Crimean Canal, irrigation systems and climate fluctuations. Purpose of the work is to substantiate a set of measures to protect the territory of Nova Mayachka village of Oleshky district in Kherson region against the harmful effects of water. The main task of the research is to specify the factors of flooding and underflooding developing in the village, to determine the mechanism of GWL regime and to develop a set of protective measures. Methods and the objects of the research. The research was carried out at the research and production site, which is located within the village. As part of the research, an analysis of natural and water management conditions, assessment of the hydrogeological and reclamation condition of the territory as well as the efficiency of drainage systems operation were performed. Research results and main conclusions. Based on the research results, the reasons of flooding, patterns of GWL depths and fluctuation dynamics and the efficiency of different types of drainage in the village of Nova Mayachka were specified. It was found out that in the conditions of stable operation of wells vertical drainage ensured the weighted average depth of groundwater level in the village of 2.9-3.1 m against 1.6 m before the start of drainage operation or in conditions of its insufficient functioning. But over time, the existing protection system of the village failed to provide the necessary groundwater lowering due to the deficiency of its work and the increase in water load on the territory due to increasing rainfall and enlarging irrigation areas. Groundwater levels rose to 0-2 m, and in wet periods against the background of drainage the flooding of drainless territory was observed. Recently, groundwater levels in the village have tended to a rise above critical depths. The drainage facilities by its design features fail to eliminate surface water flooding. To protect the village of Nova Mayachka from flooding and underflooding, a set of measures is proposed, which provides for the installation of a combined drainage system with free-flowing water removal or pumping of drainage runoff outside the village into the North Crimean Canal or the Dnieper River.


Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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