The concept of "positive welfare" arose in response to the heavy focus on negative aspects when assessing the overall welfare of animals. Although one of the main components of welfare is the emotional status. The aim of this paper is to study and describe the existing, promising, reliable and feasible indicators of the positive welfare of dairy cows on farms. We conducted a search and critical analysis of scientific literature, articles, books and welfare assessment protocols in international databases (Web of Science, PubMed and ResearchGate) using the key words "positive «welfare», «indicator», «comfort», «relationship between human and animal», «emotions», «natural behaviour», «pleasure» combined with «cattle» and «cow». For structure, all indicators were divided into 4 groups: feeding, environment, behaviour and position of animal body parts. A number of the most relevant and feasible indicators for assessing positive welfare in dairy cows were identified, namely: access to pasture, lying comfort, synchronization and qualitative behaviour assessment (QBA). Studies of the positions of the ears, tail and vocalization in dairy animals are promising for the further development of tests. Also an important indicator is the level of relations between a human and animal, as this indicator has a significant impact on the animal welfare. We consider it relevant to conduct a practical study of these parameters directly on the farm with subsequent inclusion in the protocol for assessing the welfare of the dairy herd. We believe that this review will create a platform for research and discussion about the positive welfare of cows in Ukraine.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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