During the processing of frozen and thawed sugar beets, invert sugar, in particular glucose and fructose, accumulates in them. This is due to the process of hydrolysis of carbohydrates. As a result of temperature fluctuations, beets lose elasticity, and tissue walls become soft. The activity of microorganisms intensifies on damaged beets. In the sugar industry, harmful microorganisms enter the production with raw materials, water, unwashed soil and air. Under improper storage conditions of raw materials the rapid development of microorganisms begins leading to sugar loss. The microflora of raw materials in sugar production is due to spore-forming and non-spore-forming bacteria, as well as micromycetes. Processing in the production of such raw materials is complicated. This leads to non-rhythmic operation of the sugar factory, technological processes and metal corrosion of technological equipment. Sugar yield and quality are significantly reduced. An important factor is the protection from the formation of microbial biofilms. The article considers the problem of formation of microbial biofilm in the process of obtaining diffusion juice in the sugar industry. The structure of the biofilm and its stability over time are considered. Under the conditions of active biofilm formation, uncontrolled unaccounted losses of sucrose are observed. Under conditions of low-quality beet processing, biocides and enzymes must be used in the production. They reduce the contamination of intermediate products by microorganisms, greatly facilitate the technological process. They also allow you to predict unaccounted sugar losses and improve its quality and yield. The article considers the effect of different types of biocides on dextran, which is an example of the formation of microbial biofilms. The comparative characteristic of influence of biocides on dextran is given and their resistance is noted.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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