Purpose. To establish changes in the chemical composition of forage of alfalfa-cereal agrophytocenoses with different cereal components under the influence of fertilizers, liming and mowing terms of grass on dark gray soils of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. General scientific – hypotheses, inductions and deductions, analogies, generalizations, and special – field, laboratory, analytical, mathematical-statistical, computational-comparative. Results. The results of research on the content of alfalfa, alfalfa-cereals with various cereal components of organic matter grasses, its nutritional value, energy intensity and changes in chemical composition by vegetation phases during the formation of the first mowing are presented. Conclusions. Under the action of symbiotic nitrogen in alfalfa and alfalfa-grass stands compared to grass stands on the background without nitrogen in the dry mass of feed the content of crude protein by 5.4-7.0%, nutritional value of feed by feed units – by 14-21%, energy content in terms of metabolic energy content – by 0.6-1.3 MJ/kg, digestibility of dry matter in vitro by 2-5% increases, and the content of nitrogen-free extractives decreases by 1.6-4.5%. With the aging of grasses in the formation of the crop in the first mowing for 50 days from May 1 to June 19 in alfalfa, alfalfa and cereal grasslands with a decrease in the proportion of leaves in the grass from 87-94% to 26-31% in dry weight the content of crude protein decreased from 24.1- 25.5 to 11.7-16.1% with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.930-941 and crude fiber content increased from 16.1- 19.2% to 29.0-33,1% with r (-0.925) - (- 949). During this period, the average daily decrease in the dry matter content of crude protein (0.25%) and the average daily increase in the content of crude fiber (0.28%) is faster in grassland than in alfalfa and alfalfa-cereal (0.19 and 0.24% respectively).
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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