The results of studies of economically useful and biological traits in purebred (Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed) and cross-breed (Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed x Swiss) cows are given, taking into account the effect of high temperatures and types of feeding. At the same time, it was established that purebred cows exceeded crossbred cows in terms of milk yield, but were inferior to the latter in terms of milk quality (fat content, protein content). In general, the advantage in milk fat and protein yield in favor of crossbred cows, in the section of three lactations, was from 3.0 to 9.5 kg and from 2.6 to 6.4 kg, respectively.
Along with this, the dependence of heat resistance of cows on their genotype was established. Cross-breed cows were characterized by better adaptation properties to the effects of hot weather conditions, as they had more balanced indicators of heat resistance.
Analysis of indicators of milk productivity of cows with different types of feeding showed that the use of the same type of feeding provides an increase in milk yield per 533 kg of milk, fat content by 0.14% and protein by 0.01% compared to traditional feeding technology.
Publishing House of National Academy Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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