The Holy Quran has a property to improve both physical and psychological well-being. In Muslim communities, reciting the Holy Quran is highly important and is viewed as a sort of religious treatment. This study was investigated whether reciting a verse of Holy Quran (Verse 11, Surah Zuha) on daily basis brings reduction in stress level by enhancing gratitude among teachers and students. An experimental research design was used to conduct the study. A total of (N=90) voluntary teachers and students were selected by using voluntary response sampling technique. Study was carried out in three phases. Phase 1: At Pre-Assessment level by using the six-item Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ6) and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) were used to assess the participants’ gratitude and stress. Voluntary teachers and students were divided into three groups. Phase 2: Implementation of Quranic Verse and daily blessings journaling assigned to group A for a period of three weeks. Group B was given only verse reading and group C was control group. Phase 3: Post Assessment level by using the (GQ6) and (K10) to see the gratitude and stress in participants. Pre and post testing data were analyzed through SPSS by using the paired sample t-test. Findings revealed the significant results of reading Quranic verse and writing blessings of the day but on control group having no effect. This indicates that verse 11 of Surah Zuha directly linked with gratitude enhancement. The conclusion of this study is that Quran having a positive effect on people mental health.
Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, Institute of Psychological Research
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