1. Bergeon, S. Painting Technique: Priming, Colored Paint Film and Varnish. 10th Anniversary Meeting of the PACT Group. Louvain la Neuve. Scientific Examination of Easel Paintings PACT 13, Journal of the European Study Group on Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology, Edited by: Van Schoute, R. and Verougstraete‐Marcq, H. pp.35–62. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
2. Boon, J. J., Peulvé, S. L., van der Brink, O. F., Duursma, M. C. and Rainford, D. Molecular aspects of mobile and stationary phases in ageing tempera and oil paint films. Symposium, Limburg Conservation Institute. October9–10, Maastricht. Early Italian Paintings—Techniques and Analysis, Edited by: Bakkenist, T., Hoppenbrouwers, R. and Dubois, H. pp.35–56. Maastricht: Lindburg Conservation Institute.
3. Mairinger, F. and Schreiner, M. Analysis of supports, grounds and pigments. 10th Anniversary Meeting of the PACT Group. Louvain la Neuve. Scientific Examination of Easel Paintings PACT 13, Journal of the European Study Group on Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Techniques Applied to Archaeology, Edited by: Van Schoute, R. and Verougstraete‐Marcq, H. pp.171–183. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.