Improving the efficiency of autonomous electrical complexes of oil and gas enterprises


Bogdanov IvanORCID,Abramovich Boris


In accordance with the Energy Strategy until 2035, the possibility of increasing the efficiency of energy use of secondary energy resources in the form of associated oil and waste gases has been substantiated by increasing the energy efficiency of the primary energy carrier to 90-95 % by means of cogeneration plants with a binary cycle of electricity generation and trigeneration systems with using the energy of the waste gas to cool the air flow at the inlet of gas turbine plants. The conditions for maintaining the rated power of the main generator with variations in the ambient temperature are shown. An effective topology of electrical complexes in a multi-connected power supply system of oil and gas enterprises according to the reliability condition is presented, which allows increasing the availability factor by 0.6 %, mean time between failures by 33 %, the probability of failure-free operation by 15 % and reducing the mean time of system recovery by 40 %. The article considers the use of parallel active filters to improve the quality of electricity and reduce voltage drops to 0.1 s when used in autonomous electrical complexes of oil and gas enterprises. The possibility of providing uninterrupted power supply when using thyristor systems for automatic reserve input has been proven. A comparative analysis was carried out to assess the effect of parallel active filters and thyristor systems of automatic transfer of reserve on the main indicators of the reliability of power supply systems of oil and gas enterprises.


Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Economic Geology,Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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