
Sierikova Olena1ORCID


1. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Earthquake damage to reservoirs in earthquake-prone and especially non-seismic regions could lead to serious social, economic and environmental problems, as they are used to store important liquids such as drinking and fire-fighting water, petroleum products and fertilizers. Liquid hydrocarbon storage tanks are of particular interest to the scientific community and the public. Liquid hydrocarbons are mostly flammable and explosive, poisonous and harmful, and due to leakage, they easily cause catastrophic accidents such as fire, explosion, serious threat to human life and property safety. It is relevant to study the properties of materials that allow for stable tank operation for the liquid hydrocarbons storage under natural and technogenic seismic influences conditions. The purpose of the work is to study the seismic loads impact on liquid hydrocarbon storage tanks made of nanocomposite materials to improve the environmental safety of the surrounding areas. The use of composite materials with nanoinclusions in tanks for storing environmentally hazardous liquids allows to increase the reliability of tanks under seismic loads and to extend their service life under the action of natural and technogenic influences of various origin. The results of the calculations have been shown that the use of composite materials with nanoinclusions in the steel spheres form is the best option for environmentally safe operation of tanks under seismic loads. The performed calculations allow to build the necessary systems of basic functions for the forced oscillations study, as well as the influence of surface tension and nonlinear effects on the oscillations of shells with liquid.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Reference26 articles.

1. Sierikova, O. M. (2023). Poperedzhennja ekologichnyh nebezpek rezervuariv zberigannja otrujnyh ta legkozajmystyh ridyn pry sejsmichnyh navantazhennjah [Prevention of environmental hazards of poisonous and flammable liquid storage tanks under seismic loads]. Transactions of Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, 5(142), 42-48. DOI: 10.32782/1995-0519.2023.5.5. [in Ukrainian]

2. Kenzdera, O. V. (2015). Sejsmichna nebezpeka i zahyst vid zemletrusiv. Praktychne vprovadzhennja rozrobok Instytutu geofizyky im. S.I. Subbotina NAN Ukrai'ny [Seismic hazard and earthquake protection. Practical implementation of developments of the Institute of Geophysics. SI. Subbotin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine]. Bulletin of the NAS of Ukraine, 2, 44-57. [in Ukrainian]

3. Sierikova, О. (2023). Pidvyshhennja rivnja ekologichnoi' bezpeky rezervuariv zberigannja otrujnyh ta legkozajmystyh ridyn pry sejsmichnyh navantazhennjah [Increasing the environmental safety level of poisonous and flammable liquid storage tanks under seismic loads]. Ecological Sciences, 6(51), 130-135. DOI: 10.32846/2306-9716/ [in Ukrainian]

4. Sierikova, E., Strelnikova, E., & Kryutchenko, D. (2021). Ocinka syly sejsmichnyh navantazhen' na rezervuary dlja zberezhennja otrujnyh ta legkozajmystyh ridyn [Seismic loads estimation on the storage tanks for toxic and flammable liquids]. Bulletin of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series “Mathematical modeling. Information technology. Automated control systems”, 51, 70-80. DOI: 10.26565/2304-6201-2021-51. [in Ukrainian]

5. Sierikova, O. M., Strelnikova, O. O., Gnitko, V. I., Tonkonozhenko, A. M., & Pisnia, L. A. (2021). Nejtralizacija statychnoi' elektryky v systemah zberigannja nafty shljahom zastosuvannja nanokompozytiv iz systemamy vuglecevyh voloknystyh vkljuchen' [Neutralization of static electricity in oil storage systems through application of nanocomposites with carbon fiber inclusions]. Applied problems of mathematical modeling, 4(2.2), 159-168. DOI: 10.32782/KNTU2618-0340/2021. [in Ukrainian]







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