Моделювання робочої зони локальної RTLS-системи району надзвичайної ситуації


Zakora Alexander1,Feshchenko Andrey1,Borisova Larisa1,Mykhailyk Vladyslav


1. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


A mathematical model of a differential-rangefinder local positioning system has been developed, which in real time makes it possible to predict the working area of the system, taking into account the construction barriers of the emergency zone. The conditions of propagation of high-frequency signals, which determine the quality of positioning and the accuracy characteristics of the system, are taken into account. To simplify the simulation, a number of assumptions were made regarding the parameters of the obstacles and the conditions of radio wave propagation, which make it possible to simplify the prediction process. On the basis of the geometric criterion and the criterion of maximum removal, a modified geometry coefficient (zone coefficient) was obtained, which is proposed to be used as the basis for a mathematical forecasting model. Using this criterion, a computational algorithm and a program for operational forecasting of the working area of local positioning have been developed, which make it possible to take into account the influence of the number of beacons, the geometry of the system and the location of building barriers to the propagation of radio signals on the shape of the working area. In the process of modeling, both geometric and general physical laws of the formation of the field of radio navigation support were taken into account. A study of the operation of the modeling system was carried out in the presence of several radio beacons, in the absence and in the presence of several construction barriers within the emergency zone. The developed mathematical model makes it possible to calculate the size of the positioning zones with the determination of the boundary conditions for the reliability and accuracy of the navigation support of rescuers. Taking into account the process of predicting the impact of obstacles in the emergency zone on the type and size of the working area of the positioning system allows the head of emergency response to make the right management decision, ensure safe working conditions for rescuers and optimize emergency response.


National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

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