1. Pocheptsov G. Toxic infospace. How to maintain clarity of thinking and freedom of action. Kharkiv: Vivat, 2022. 384 p.
2. Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.L., Taraduda D.V. Foreign experience of ensuring social security through the sustainable functioning of critical infrastructure objects and increased danger // Science and technology today. 2024. No. 4 (32). P. 371-384.
3. Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.L., Taraduda D.V. Mechanisms for ensuring civil security of Ukraine: aspects of emergency prevention at the facilities of the military-industrial complex // Public administration and national security. 2024. No. 3 (44). https://www.inter-nauka.com/issues/administration2024/3/9732.
4. Arterton F. C. Political Participation and «Teledemocracy» // PS: Political Science Politics. 1988. Vol. 21, №. 3. P. 620–627.
5. BBVA Research analyzes 99 countries by digitalization index (https://www.bbva.com/en/which-countries-are-the-most-digitally-advanced/); Bloomberg’s primary research service (BNEF) analyzes the industrial digitalization of 40 countries (https://about.bnef.com/blog/bloombergnefs-country-ranking-reveals-models-industrial-digitalization/); as part of the Digital Economy project, almost all UN member countries are analyzed