1. Vologda State University
The traditional heating of greenhouses (based on liquid or air) lacks efficiency, when it concerns energy-saving or economic expenditures. The agricultural industry is therefore inter-ested in the innovative approach to the power supply of greenhouses. The use of geothermal sources, biofuel, heating pumps and other conventional greenhouse heating methods is not al-ways reasonable, as their application depends on location of an object, ecological factors and others. This research investigates a complex heating, when convection heating of the green-house territory is maintained by temperature using ceiling infrared radiators. The aim of the paper is to study the influence of the outdoor air temperature, thermal prop-erties of the perimeter walls and soil surface absorbing capacity on the heating power of a greenhouse within the proposed method of radiant and convection heating. A system of complex heatand material-balance equations is used to calculate the greenhouse perimeter walls and the soil surface. The research results show the dependency of the total heating power when calculated with regard to the outdoor temperature, heat resistance properties of the perimeter walls and the soil surface absorbing capacity. The results obtained can be used to justify the efficiency of the radiant and convection heat-ing of the greenhouse in specific climatic conditions. The scientific novelty of the paper is the proposed method of calculating which accounts of multiple heater reflection, the influence of the mass-exchange process inside the greenhouse as well as the absorbing soil properties.
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
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