1. Bioassay methods for evaluating the toxicity of heavy metals, biocides and sewage effluent using microscopic stages of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Agardh): A preliminary report
2. 2) State Water Resources Control Board (1989) Experimental evaluation of effluent toxicity testing protocols with giant kelp, mysids, red abalone, and topsmelt (Marine bioassay project Forth report), 1-138.
3. 3) U.S.EPA (Cincinnati OH) (1989) Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms, U.S.Department of commerce, NTIS, 1-249.
4. 4) OECD (1984) OECD guidelines for testing of chemicals (section 2 : Effects on biotic systems), 201-209.
5. 5) OECD (1989) OECD environment monographs, No. 26 Report of the OECD workshop on ecological effects assessment, 17pp.