1. ‘Apple – iphone 6 – Touch ID’. Available athttps://www.apple.com/iphone-6/touch-id/ accessed 30 March 2015
2. ‘Samsung – Your finger is your key’. Available athttp://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxys5/features.html accessed 30 March 2015
3. ‘htc – one – max super simple accesibility’. Available athttp://www.htc.com/us/smartphones/htc-one-max/#/ accessed 30 March 2015
4. ‘Paypal – Samsumg Pay simply and more securely’. Available athttps://www.paypal-pages.com/samsunggalaxys5/us/index.html accessed 30 March 2015
5. ‘Use Touch ID on iPhone and iPad – Apple Support’. Available athttps://support.apple.com/en-is/HT201371 accessed 30 March 2015