Protecting artificial intelligence IPs: a survey of watermarking and fingerprinting for machine learning


Regazzoni Francesco12ORCID,Palmieri Paolo3ORCID,Smailbegovic Fethulah4,Cammarota Rosario5,Polian Ilia6


1. University of Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands

2. ALaRI – USI Lugano Switzerland

3. University College Cork Cork Ireland

4. Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

5. Intel Labs San Diego USA

6. University of Stuttgart Stuttgart Germany


Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)


Artificial Intelligence,Computer Networks and Communications,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,Human-Computer Interaction,Information Systems

Reference66 articles.

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1. Watermarking in Secure Federated Learning: A Verification Framework Based on Client-Side Backdooring;ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology;2023-12-19

2. Emerging challenges and perspectives in Deep Learning model security: A brief survey;Systems and Soft Computing;2023-12

3. Attacks on Recent DNN IP Protection Techniques and Their Mitigation;IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems;2023-11

4. Fingerprint definition for song recognition using Machine Learning Algorithm;2023 International Conference on Smart Systems for applications in Electrical Sciences (ICSSES);2023-07-07

5. B2IPTS: A blockchain-based intellectual property transaction framework;Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing;2023-03-27







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