1. School of Electronic and Optical Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology Nanjing China
AbstractA beamwidth (BW) and beam direction (BD) reconfigurable antenna based on multi‐mode parasitic coupling is proposed. Two pairs of metal strips connected by only two positive‐intrinsic‐negative diodes are added as parasitic structures over the driven element, a circular microstrip patch, constituting a simple antenna design. By controlling the diode switching state, four pattern reconfigurable modes can be realised. Two beam‐pointing deflection modes in the E‐plane are realised based on the Yagi–Uda principle. Besides, the BW reconfigurability is achieved due to a joint effect of the Yagi principle and beam‐stacking principle. All the reconfigurable modes share a 10% impedance bandwidth from 5.8 to 6.3 GHz. Simulation and measurement results show that the BW can be switched between 67° and 120° in an omni‐directional plane, and the BD can be switched between 0° and ±30° in the E‐plane.
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)