1. Causes of the 2003 Major Grid Blackouts in North America and Europe, and Recommended Means to Improve System Dynamic Performance
2. U.S.‐Canada Power System Outage Task Force: ‘Final Report on the August 14th blackout in the United States and Canada’ https://reports.energy.gov/BlackoutFinal‐Web.pdf accessed April 2004
3. Larsson S. Erik E.: ‘The blackout in Southern Sweden and Eastern Denmark September 23 2003’.Proc. Int. Conf. Power and Energy Society Denver Colorado USA June2004 pp.1668–1672
4. Corsi S. Sabelli C.: ‘General blackout in Italy Sunday September 28th 2003 h 03:28:00’.Proc. Int. Conf. Power and Energy Society Denver Colorado USA June2004 pp.1691–1702
5. Berizzi A.: ‘The Italian 2003 blackout’.Proc. Int. Conf. Power and Energy Society Denver Colorado USA June2004 pp.1673–1679