1. University of the Basque Country Bilbao Spain
2. University of Rostock Rostock Germany
3. Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology Greifswald Germany
AbstractWhen designing high‐voltage elements, knowing if the corona effect will be present during their life cycle is relevant. Therefore, designers consider several prediction criteria based on physical features related to breakdown discharge principles to predict the corona effect. The introduced practical set‐up consists of a concave cone electrode with a hemispheric tip above a plate to evaluate selected corona prediction criteria. The hemisphere has a fixed diameter of 7 mm, and the electrode separation ranges from 2.5 to 39 cm. Information about the corona mode inception under different voltage sources was extracted using an intensified charge‐coupled device camera and a partial discharge metre. The prediction criteria were connected to a specific corona mode depending on the main discharge structure behind its development. The average deviation between these criteria and experimental results was around eight percent. Underlying assumptions in criteria are also discussed in light of the experimental results.
Eusko Jaurlaritza
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)