1. Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador)
2. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (España)
A dynamic neck model is proposed for functional assessment or ergonomic studies using data obtained from conventional biomechanical tools such as video photogrammetry and force platforms. The head and neck inertial parameters are obtained through regression equations and refined through a calibration process to improve accuracy. Head movement is recorded through video photogrammetry, where marker coordinates are used to calculate finite displacements, linear and angular velocities, and accelerations. An inverse dynamics approach is used to estimate the forces and moments at the C7 vertebral level and the generated muscle power. The model was validated through an experimental study with 30 participants, where its estimates were compared to the measurements obtained from a force platform. The comparison aimed to assess the accuracy and reliability of the model. The results show excellent agreement, with a correlation of 0.976 or higher and a standard error of less than 1% of the head weight
Keywords: Biomechanics, biomechanical model, neck, ergonomics, functional assessment