
Siregar Zakia Arachmah,Susanty Devy,Suthamihardja RTM


FERMENTATION OF ARABIC COFFEE SEEDS (Coffea arabica L.) WITH THE ADDITION OF LACTO ACID BACTERIA (Lactobacillus sp)Coffee bean fermentation is one of a series of processes for making ground coffee that can affect coffee quality. In this study the fermentation of Arabica coffee beans was carried out using lactic acid bacteria (Lactobaciilus sp) in the form of a starter. The analysis was carried out on five samples, namely brand a coffee samples (sample A), coffee samples processed without bacteria (sample B), coffee samples processed with the addition of bacteria and substrate as many as 10:90 (sample C), 20:80 (sample D ), 30:70 (sample E). The five coffee samples were analyzed for water content, pH, extract content, ash content, and caffeine content. Identification of caffeine was carried out by the UV-Vis spectrophotometric method at a wavelength of 275.0397 nm. The highest caffeine content was in sample C at 0.95% and the lowest caffeine content was in sample E 0.71%. The highest extract content was found in sample E at 27.72% and the lowest content in C at 24.60%. The highest water content results were found in sample C of 4.56% and the lowest in sample E of 4.26%. The highest ash content was found in coffee C samples at 4.98% and the lowest ash content in E at 4.43%. The highest value of the degree of acidity (pH) was found in sample B (6.19) and the lowest in sample A (5.41). The results showed that the Arabica ground coffee met the SNI 01-3542-2004 requirements on parameters of moisture content, extract content, ash content and caffeine content. Keywords: Arabica coffee, fermentation, Lactobacillus sp, CaffeineABSTRAKFermentasi biji kopi merupakan salah satu rangkaian proses pengolahan pembuatan kopi bubuk yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas kopi. Pada penelitian ini fermentasi biji kopi Arabica dilakukan menggunakan bakteri  asam laktat (Lactobaciilus sp) dalam bentuk starter. Analisis dilakukan terhadap lima sampel  yaitu sampel kopi merk a (sampel A), sampel kopi yang diproses tanpa bakteri (sampel B) , sampel kopi yang diproses dengan penambahan bakteri dan substrat sebanyak  10:90 (sampel C), 20:80 (sampel D), 30:70 (sampel E). Kelima sampel kopi tersebut dianalisis kadar air, pH, kadar sari, kadar abu, dan kadar kafein. Identifikasi kafein dilakukan dengan metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada panjang gelombang 275,0397 nm. Kadar kafein tertinggi terdapat pada sampel C sebesar 0,95 % dan  kadar kafein terendah pada sampel E 0,71%. Kadar sari tertinggi terdapat pada sampel E sebesar 27,72%  dan kadar sari terendah pada C sebesar 24,60%. Hasil kadar air tertinggi terdapat pada sampel C sebesar 4,56% dan kadar terendah pada sampel E sebesar  4,26%. Kadar abu tertinggi terdapat pada sampel kopi C sebesar 4,98% dan kadar abu terendah pada E sebesar 4,43%. Nilai derajat keasaman (pH) tertinggi didapatkan pada sampel B yaitu sebesar 6,19 dan terendah pada sampel A yaitu 5,41. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa kopi bubuk arabika dengan proses fermentasi enggunakan bakteri asam laktat memenuhi syarat SNI 01-3542-2004  pada parameter kadar air, kadar sari, kadar abu dan kadar kafein.Kata kunci: Kopi arabika, fermentasi, Lactobacillus sp, Kafein


Universitas Nusa Bangsa


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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