1. Centre Orthopédique Santy- Hopital Privé
Jean MERMOZ, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 24
Avenue Paul Santy, Lyon 69008, France.
2. Massachusetts General Hospital, 55
Fruit Street, Yawkey 3G Boston, Massachusetts
02114, USA.
3. L’Archet 2 Hospital, Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Traumatology, 151
rte de St A. de Ginestière, 06200 Nice, France.
4. Fondren Orthopedic Group LLP, 7401
South Main, Houston, Texas
77030, USA.
5. Clinique du Parc, 155
Boulevard Stalingrad, 69006 Lyon, France.
6. Centre Orthopédique Pasteur Lanroze, 18
rue Amiral Romain Desfossés, 29200 Brest, France.
7. Sydney Shoulder Specialists, Level
2, 156 Pacific Highway, St
Leonards 2065, New South Wales, Australia.