Features of migration processes of the Komi Republic in 1990-2020


Zhuravlev N.1


1. Institut social'no-ekonomicheskih i energeticheskih problem Severa FIC Komi NC UrO RAN


The northern regions of our country are characterized by a significant migration decline. The Komi Republic stands out among them with the highest values of indicators of migration outflow of the population. Operating with statistical data, the article analyzes the migration processes of the Komi Republic for the period from 1990 to 2020. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of migration in the region, depending on its direction and period. The article presents the results of the analysis of migration turnover, the specifics of migration flows of internal and interregional migration, as well as the dynamics of migration exchange between urban and rural territories. According to the re¬sults, it was found that internal migration flows are directed to the capital of the region, acting as a socio-economic and educational center. The largest outflow of population is char¬acteristic of cities whose economic specialization has now lost relevance. Migration within the region is characterized by an influx of population from rural areas to the city, and the share of the village in interregional migration is significantly inferior to the city. Despite the continuing migration decline of the population, the intensity of migration is decreasing by 2020, due to a decrease in the number of both departures and arrivals, the difference between migration from the city and from the countryside is decreasing.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Energy

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