Stueckelberg particle in the uniform electric field, solutions with cylindrical symmetry


Ivashkevich A.1,Sachenok P.2,Red'kov V.3


1. B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

2. Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I. P. Shamyakin

3. B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


In the present paper, the system of 11 equations for massive Stueckelberg particle is studied in presence of the external uniform electric field. We apply covariant formalism according to the general tetrad approach by Tetrode-Weyl-Fock-Ivanenko specified for cylindrical coordinates. After separating the variables, we derive the system of the first-order differential equations in partial derivatives with respect to coordinates (r, z). To resolve this system, we apply the Fedorov- Gronskiy method, thereby we consider the 11-dimensional spin operator and find on this base three projective operators, which permit us to expand the complete wave function in the sum of three parts. Besides, according to the general method, dependence of each projective constituent on the variable r should be determined by only one function. Also, in accordance with the general method we impose the first-order constraints which permit us to transform all differential equations in partial derivatives with respect to coordinates (r, z) into the system of 11 first-order ordinary differential equations in the variable z. The last system is solved in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions. In total, four independent types of solutions have been constructed, in contrast to the case of the ordinary spin 1 particle described by Daffin- Kemmer equation when only three types of solutions are possible.



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