Shcheglov P. A.,Shestakov A. S.,Vyalov A. I.
Article is devoted to assessment of influence of content of chlorine in epoxy resins on quality of production and to the problems connected with decrease in a share of the hydrolyzed chlorine for improvement of quality. It is noted that epoxy polymers and oligomer are widely used in production of high-strength constructional materials, electrical equipment, electronics, radio electronics, instrument making, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aircraft, in the rocket and space equipment. In electrical equipment, in particular, epoxy oligomer are applied to sealing of joints of electric cables, to filling of windings of transformers, engines, sealing and even capsulation of various details for protection against the environment. The modern equipment imposes increased requirements to so-called «purity» of polymeric materials and their quality, in particular to minimization of easily flying and ionic impurity, decrease in keeping of the groups emitting undesirable impurity at operation. «Purity» of components of epoxy material provides their corrosion resistance and, as a result, defines reliability of devices.
Moscow Region University of Technology (UNITECH)
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