Introduction: The study was conducted to determine the relationship between body image, genital self-image and self-esteem in the postpartum period. Materials and Method: The study was carried out with 145 women in the postpartum period. The data of the study were collected using the Personal Information Form, Body Cathexis Scale (BCS), Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Results: It was determined that the mean BCS total score of the women was 143.56±26.82, the total mean score of the FGSIS was 17.23±4.97, and the total mean of the RSES score was 20.23±4.52. It has been determined that as the genital self-image and body perception level of women increase in the postpartum period, their self-esteem also increases. Conclusion: Health professionals should inform women about body changes that may occur in the postpartum period, warn them not to be deceived by media images, and emphasize the importance of realistic postpartum expectations.
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