1. Abdikeev N.M. Design of intelligent systems in economics: Textbook / Ed. N.P. Tikhomirov. — M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2014, 528 p.
2. Demirkol, Z. Diger Kontroller ve Yeni Ozellikler.- ASP.NET2, Pusula Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2016, 90 s.
3. Connolly T., Begg K., Strachan A. Databases: design, implementation, and maintenance. Theory and practice./ Translation from English - M: Williams Publishing House, 2016, 67 p.
4. Findability of corporate data: review of the experience of users of ECM systems // Abbyy, Docflow, 2016, 5 p.
5. Flores I. Data structure and data management.- M.: Finance and Statistics, 2017, 23-32 p.