Delivery Of Cascade Screening For Hereditary Conditions: A Scoping Review Of The Literature


Roberts Megan C.1,Dotson W. David2,DeVore Christopher S.3,Bednar Erica M.4,Bowen Deborah J.5,Ganiats Theodore G.6,Green Ridgely Fisk7,Hurst Georgia M.8,Philp Alisdair R.9,Ricker Charité N.10,Sturm Amy C.11,Trepanier Angela M.12,Williams Janet L.13,Zierhut Heather A.14,Wilemon Katherine A.15,Hampel Heather16


1. Megan C. Roberts ( is a Cancer Prevention Fellow in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, in Rockville, Maryland.

2. W. David Dotson is a senior coordinating scientist in the Office of Public Health Genomics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in Atlanta, Georgia.

3. Christopher S. DeVore is a Public Health Fellow in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, CDC, and a master of public health candidate at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, in Atlanta.

4. Erica M. Bednar is a genetic counselor in the Department of Clinical Cancer Genetics and the Cancer Prevention and Control Platform at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, in Houston, Texas.

5. Deborah J. Bowen is a professor of bioethics and humanities at the University of Washington, in Seattle.

6. Theodore G. Ganiats is director of the National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in Rockville, Maryland.

7. Ridgely Fisk Green is a Carter Consulting, Inc., contractor in the Office of Public Health Genomics, CDC, and at Carter Consulting, in Atlanta.

8. Georgia M. Hurst is the director of, in Evanston, Illinois.

9. Alisdair R. Philp is a genetic counselor and a clinical assistant professor at the University of Kansas Hospitals and Clinics, in Westwood.

10. Charité N. Ricker is a genetic counselor and clinical instructor at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles.

11. Amy C. Sturm is a professor at the Genomic Medicine Institute, Geisinger, in Danville, Pennsylvania.

12. Angela M. Trepanier is an associate professor (clinician educator) at the Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University, in Detroit, Michigan.

13. Janet L. Williams is director, Research Genetic Counselors, at the Genomic Medicine Institute, Geisinger, in Danville, Pennsylvania

14. Heather A. Zierhut is an assistant professor in genetics, cell biology, and development at the College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, in Minneapolis.

15. Katherine A. Wilemon is CEO of the Familial Hypercholesterolemia Foundation, in Pasadena, California.

16. Heather Hampel is associate director of the Division of Human Genetics and of biospecimen research, and a professor of internal medicine, all at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, in Columbus.


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