1. Transnational Activism in the Americas: The Internet and Innovations in the Repertoire of Contention;Jeffrey M Ayres;Conflicts and Change,2005
2. Introduction: Political Campaigning in Changing Media CulturesTypological and Historical Approaches;Sigrid Baringhorst;Political campaigning on the Web. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag,2009
3. Communicating global activism: strengths and vulnerabilities of networked politics, Information;W Bennett;Communication & Society,2003
4. Digital Network Repertoires and Organizational Hybridity
5. Hadopi et le Paquet T�l�com: comment la Pr�sidence Fran�aise de l'union a mis en danger l'avanc�e du droit europ�en des t�l�communications;Daniel Cohn-Bendit;La bataille Hadopi,2009