1. Horner goes on, though, to play into the hands of those disposed to Coasean solutions (with transaction costs, a la Demsetz, Cheung, and the Coase of pages 15 onward in "The Problem of Social Cost") in saying that Pigovian policies "eliminate the need to consider the transactions costs preventing negotiations and the ambiguity of property rights associated with natural resources such as air and water;See;That said, not everyone saw things in this way. Horner (1975) notes, in the period since Coase raised the possibility of negotiated solutions,1974
2. Social Aspects of Environmental Pollution;R M Alexander;Agricultural Science Review,1971
3. The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market Versus Nonmarket Allocation;K J Arrow;The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditure: The PPB System,1969