1. However, these species had a higher inclusion of C4-CAM signals and a lower trophic level than the Nesophontes signals reported here (Table 14; Fig. 36). Overall, the fundamental dietary niche position of Nesophontes spp. seem to overlap with that of Solenodon cubanus, but not substantially. In comparison, Solenodon cubanus and Nesophontes major-N. micrus had an overall similar dietary signal (Fig. 37);Al;Furthermore, the isotope diet of Nesophontes is slightly comparable to that of other soricids (from signals reported by Baught et,1987
2. For critical revisions and comments, I extend my appreciation to Lazaro Vi�ola, Angelo Soto Centeno and Nicholas Czaplewski, plus two anonymous referees who helped to better the manuscript;Cuba ; Habana;Collins for access to SEM microscopy and their labs at Florida International University (FCAM-FIU)
3. Cat�logo de la fauna cubana VIII (Sinopsis de los mam�feros cubanos);C G Aguayo;Circulares del Museo y Biblioteca de Zoolog�a de,1954