1. These regions are classified according to the European Nomenclature of Territorial Units (NUTS) as follows: GER is a nation (NUTS-0), FRM is an agglomeration of 25 districts (NUTS-3) from the three states (NUTS-1) Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria. Ffm is a district-free city (NUTS-3);the German metropolitan region Frankfurt Rhine-Main (FRM), and its city Frankfurt/Main (Ffm),2016
2. Biomass Potential from Agricultural Waste for Energetic Utilization in Greece;S Alatzas;Energies,2019
3. Verordnung �ber die Anwendung von D�ngemitteln, Bodenhilfsstoffen, Kultursubstraten und Pflanzenhilfsmitteln nach den Grunds�tzen der guten fachlichen;Praxis beim D�ngen,2017