1. 525 l-f .; P. Gallo, Unjust Enrichment. A Comparative Analysis, 40 AJCL 1992,431 ff;The Common European Lttw tf Torts,1998
2. Fleming's Legacy,49 AJCL200|,147 ,153; P. Cane, Economic Loss in Tort and Contract;See F Werro;Tort Law at the beginning of the New Millenium. A Tribute to John G,1994
3. King's L. J. (2009), forthcoming; Ch. von Bar, above n. 13, at 464 ff. From the comparative 'law and economics' point of view, see M. Bussani and U. Mattei, Making the Other Path Efficient. Economic Analysis and Tort Law in Less Developed Countries;M Bussani;The Common Core Sound. Short Notes on Themes, Harnronies and Disharmonies of European Tort Law,1997