1. A Philosophy of Education for All?
2. We compare two different U.S. datasets with each other: The dataset provided by Kenneth French (FF) and the dataset compiled from TRD and TRW data (TR) as described in Section 2.1 of the main paper. We report the average (Avg.), the standard deviation (?), and the correlation coefficient between the two datasets (?). The time period ranges from 07/1989 to 02/2018. The rows show the ten groups (deciles) of each characteristic and the spread between the two extreme groups. For size the spread is group 1 minus group 10, for the other two characteristics it is group 10 minus group 1. All returns are in percent per month and are denominated in US$. 32 Electronic copy;Note: We report descriptive statistics for the time series of ten size, BE/ME, and momentum groups
3. We compare two different U.S. datasets with each other: The dataset provided by Kenneth French (FF) and the dataset compiled from TRD and TRW data (TR) as described in Section 2.1 of the main paper. We report the average (Average) and the correlation coefficient between the two datasets (?). The rows indicate five different size groups for each panel: Small (S), second smallest (2), middle (3), second biggest (4), and big (B). The columns for Panel A indicate five different BE/ME groups: Low (S), second lowest (2), middle (3), second highest (4), and high (H). The columns for Panel B indicate five different momentum groups: Losers (L), second losers;Note: We report descriptive statistics for the time series of 25 size-BE/ME (Panel A) and size-momentum portfolios (Panel B),2018
4. Learning about Beta: Time-Varying Factor Loadings, Expected Returns, and the Conditional CAPM;T References Adrian;Journal of Empirical Finance,2009
5. Asymmetric Correlations of Equity Portfolios;A Ang;Journal of Financial Economics,2002