1. GW of power) x 25 years x 8760 (hours/year) which is 0.025 USD/kWh. Taking into account capital costs of 5% and depreciation of 1% or 1.01 billion USD per year gives electricity costs of 0.039 USD/kWh (an update of Rapier (2020), for an upgraded system);A Bogdanov;GWp of PV may cost 7 billion USD based on recent PPAs in regions with insolation (2200 kWh/kWp) like in Australia (500 USD/kWp,2019
2. Decarbonizing Electricity Generation with Intermittent Sources of;S Ambec;Energy. J. Assoc. Environ. Resour. Econ,2019
3. Cross-border trade in electricity;W Antweiler;J. Int. Econ,2016