1. Seabright writes: "Dans L'Origine des esp�ces, Darwin n'a presque rien �crit sur l'homme. Mais dans un autre ouvrage, La Filiation de l'homme, sa vision des soci�t�s humaines donne une place importante � la coop�ration. Non seulement, pensait-il, cette coop�ration �tait n�cessaire et saine, mais encore elle �tait favoris�e par... le processus de s�lection naturelle;; See Paul Id;ECONOMICS,2009
2. The Concept of Perfect Competition as the Law of Economics: Addressing the Homonymy Problem;Oles Andriychuk;NORTHERN IRELAND LEGAL QUARTERLY,2011
3. The Opening of the European Electricity Market and Environmental Policy: Does the Degree of Competition Matter?
4. Market Failure and Non-Standard Contracting: How the Ghost of Perfect Competition Still Haunts Antitrust