1. This report arrives at a moment when there is a real opportunity for reform. Within these pages are examples of the multitude of ways that states can change their laws to be more fair to youth. We should not stop now. Policymakers should: Remove all youth from adult jails and prisons in their state or local jurisdiction. ? Raise the age of juvenile court jurisdiction to at least age 18. ? Reform juvenile transfer laws to keep youth in the juvenile justice system. ? Remove mandatory minimum sentences for youth;** Property crime index includes burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson
2. Contact local law enforcement, justice agencies, ? and other youth officials to assess what information exists about the impact of the law. Talk to youth and families impacted by the law to learn first-hand about the law's effect. ? 2. Build a Team Identify other experts and interest groups working on juvenile justice reform in your state;Do Your Homework Find out about the laws in your state that allow youth to be tried in the adult system. ? Look for data on the impact of the law in your state